Aero™ promotes the release and stabilization of oxygen-containing compounds that support both biological and biochemical processes which naturally break-down organic and chemical compounds at an accelerated rate in waste management systems.
BIOREM™ functions as a substrate for microbial activity, maximizing the metabolic rate of hydrocarbon (HC) eating bacteria. Its substrate activity induces the formation of reductase enzymes, increasing the reaction rate at which complex organic molecules are disassembled. BIOREM™ also contains organic derivatives which modify and re-branch petroleum (HC) molecules making them more readily consumable via microbial activity.
COZYME 50™ contains natural buffers, co-enzymes, and over 50 trace elements in a biologically combined form that are readily available to support beneficial aerobic microbial systems to provide more rapid separation, digestion in grease traps, wastewater and sludge management systems.