NEW! VECTROL® is a next generation natural and organic product designed to provide control of a variety of invasive fungi and insects that may negatively impact crop production and plant growth. It is a 100% biodegradable broad spectrum contact and systemic liquid organic formula for use on all crops, turf, ornamentals and soil.
Benefits of Use:
- Eliminate fungal crop, plant and turf stress
- Controls invasive nematodes to aid in restoring plant health and vigor
- Apply at any time up to and on the day of harvest
- Immediate field reentry following application
- Safe, organic, biodegradable formula
Field Crops / Tree or Vine Crops: Foliar band application at 50%- 100% coverage. Foliar broadcast or sprinklers: solid, set, linear and pivot at 100% speed. Soil banded or injected, through drip tape or micro sprinklers up to 1-2 quarts per acre.
Soil Nematode Infestations: Apply 1-2 gallons (4-8 quarts) Repeat as necessary every 30 to 90 days via fertigation, broadcast spray, incorporated, flood, or furrow irrigated.
VECTROL® should be applied when plant tissue, root or soil analysis identifies the need and proper rate of application for this product. Best results will be obtained when application is concentrated in the active root zone or on the leaf surface. Do not spray or foliar apply this product in concentrations greater than 0.5%. Can be applied in combination with compatible plant growth regulators, pesticides, or other liquid fertilizers. If compatibility is in question, jar test a small quantity.
For maximum results, apply VECTROL® in the early morning or in the evening when air temperatures are optimum for foliar application. Do not apply during the hottest time of the day or to plants under drought or flood stress. Application timing, intervals and rates may vary according to individual crop, turf or plant. Both foliar and soil applications can be made as often as every 7 to 10 days or as needed. This product is intended as a supplement to a regular crop, turf and plant care program. Consult your local Biofeed® Representative or other agricultural specialist for crop-specific recommendations. Immediate re-entry of field following treatment is allowed.
Storage and Disposal: Keep container sealed when not in use. Keep product in a cool location away from direct sunlight. Store in temperatures between 5°C (40°F) and 25°C (78°F). Keep products in original container. Do not transfer into food or drink containers. Triple rinse when empty for recycling. Always dispose of container in accordance with local, state, and/or federal regulations.
Active Ingredients:
Thyme Oil ……………………………………………………………..10.0%
Inert Ingredients*…………………………………………………..90.0%
Total Ingredients………………………………………………….. 100.0%
*Contains water, potassium hydroxide, and glycerin
NEW! VECTROL® is classified as an EPA FIFRA 25(b) exempt product and is NOP (National Organic Program) compliant.
Condition of Sale:
The information herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. Buyer and user assume all liability from use of this material. Follow directions carefully. Timing, method of application, weather, plant, crop or turf conditions, and other factors are beyond the control of the seller. Keep out of reach of children. May be harmful if swallowed.
Physical Characteristics: 9.0 lb./gal. pH 12.0
“I have used VECTROL® to control webworms in hundreds of Willow Trees up here in Prescott, AZ and the results are nothing short of AMAZING! We mix 1-2 quarts of VECTROL® in a 100 gallon tank and just spray the foliage and within 10-15 minutes you don’t want to stand under the tree because it will be raining webworms! They just fall out of the trees by the thousands. And when you consider that we used to spray metacoprin and other harmful chemicals. This is a huge win for the environment and for our spray techs because they can walk all around the treated areas immediately following application- without any worry of toxicity! VECTROL® works as good or better than any toxic chemical we have ever used. Plus it smells great too! ”
Gary Huff RRS Landscape Services
In 2019 we had Eight (8) citrus trees that were impacted with Thrips and they were only in the ground for just under a year. So we mixed up a 25 gallon sprayer and added Two (2) ounces of VECTROL® and foliar sprayed the trees and within 3-4 weeks we saw over three feet (3′) of new growth! The Thrips were knocked back and here we are at 4 years later and we are only now thinking about respraying the trees again with VECTROL® because only now are we seeing signs that the trees may be getting infected again. But in 4 years he citrus trees have grown huge and produced a lot of fruit! NO THRIPS!
David Lee Homeowner, Glendale, AZ