Less agriculture fertilizer for bigger crop yields mean growers need to get creative. Growers need to keep their crop yields up while containing input costs, sometimes growing on less land, and conserving water. All in an effort that rising commodity prices are not cancelled out by the costs to grow their crops.
The challenge for growers is to influence what they can. That probably isn’t distribution problems or the cost of fuel. One thing a grower can influence is the fertility of the soil beneath their feet. Rebuilding degraded soils has more benefits that you might realize.
Perhaps your farm used more fertilizer and water to overcome degraded soils, low organic mass, and depleted microorganisms in the past. We all do what is needed, at the time. However, Agriculture is changing very quickly. At this time, pulling back to get the big picture and coming in with a different approach is needed.
One way is for growers to return to the basics of soil health and productivity. Get more bang for the buck from the crop soil you already have.
Yes, Biofeed® is a fertilizer manufacturer. However, during over 35 years in business we have developed a wide range of products to assist growers. One such product is CHETROL™. CHETROL™ is not new to our Agriculture product line. What is new is the realization that it answers many of the challenges growers are facing today.
One of our European distributors offers this first-hand testimonial.
We have hundreds of customers that grow many crops such as Olives, Kale, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Fruits, and Nuts that use CHETROL™ through spray applications and through their irrigation. In every case the lines remain clean of sodium and mineral build-up and the soil is noticeably softer. Fertilizers also work much better, and we can reduce the application rates of them.
Joaquin Pastor, President Cosaveg S.A.
One approach is not adding more fertilizer but maximizing the fertilizer already used, unlocking nutrients tied-up in the soil, and rebuilding degraded soils. In the case of some European farmers, they are also able to “reduce the application rates” of the fertilizers in use. Wouldn’t that be a welcomed result!
So, how does CHETROL™ answer growers’ challenges.
Challenge | CHETROL™ Answer |
Neutralizing Salts and Minerals in Soil | CHETROL™ neutralizes salts in soils and irrigation water that often tie-up essential plant nutrients. This process occurs due to the presence of organic molecules in the product that readily binds to minerals and salts holding them in a form that can leach out of the soil. |
Low Biomass | Independent, third-party lab analysis confirms that CHETROL™ provides 29% organic matter. |
Poor Water Absorption (Runoff, Pooling) | CHETROL™ improves soil crumb structure and aeration allowing for deeper water penetration and increased water storage capacity. |
Nutrient Efficiency | CHETROL™ increases nutrient efficiency through improved physical and chemical functions in the soil. |
Low Microbial Activity | CHETROL™ ingredients improve biological functions in the soil to support the microbiome so microorganisms can increase and thrive. |
Easy-to-Use | CHETROL™ is an effective blending additive for most granular and liquid fertilizers. It can be applied by ground sprayer, water-run or through a fertilizer injector system. |
Tell Us Your Challenge | CHETROL™ |
Biofeed® claims are based on lab analysis, field studies, substantiation from published articles, and actual client results. Are you ready to do this? Do you need more answers? Our President and Founder, Dan Lee, can give you a deeper dive. Get creative and be open to exploring the CHETROL™ answer.