Summer lawn care is a constant concern for homeowners living in hot regions; especially those in a drought. In the Northern Hemisphere, Summer ends at the end of September. But when will the high heat end? Watering your lawn in the summertime can be tricky. Often, homeowners water lawns too frequently, too shallowly, or not often enough. Both under-watering and over-watering can be deadly for your lawn’s health and appearance. This blog is meant to provide general guidelines. As always, when in need contact your professional landscaper or gardener.
Lawns do not need to be watered every day. If you pay attention to your grass, it will show you when it needs water. Grass in need of water develops a blue-gray tint, with older blades curling or wilting gently. If a significant portion of your grass (40%) does not “bounce back” after walking on it, it needs water.
Lawns that have been over-watered may display evidence of run-off or puddles. Water your lawn only when it needs water.
Depending on the type of grass, your lawn should get 1” to 2” of water per week.
For the best results, make sure that the water is getting into your root system, not running off into the street, your driveway, or sidewalks.
If you notice that water is forming runoff or puddles, stop watering for half an hour to allow your grass to absorb the water, or focus watering on another section of your lawn.
Check for dry spots, and hand-water those areas if necessary.
Test your soil to see if the water has penetrated the roots properly. Typically, this means your water has penetrated 6”-8” into the soil. It is easy to test your grass’s root system to see if it has enough water. We recommend two methods:
- Take a 6” screwdriver and push it into the ground. If it goes easily into your soil, your roots have probably received enough water.
- Dig a small hole, about 6” deep into your lawn, and feel the texture of your soil. If it crumbles when you try to form a ball, it is too dry. If you can squeeze out water, it is too wet. Soil will be “just right” if you can form a ball without crumbling or dripping water.
Increasingly, cities or counties have regulations as to when and how often you should water. If this is the case, please abide by your local laws.
One important thing to remember is to let nature water your grass when it can. If you live in a humid region with a lot of rain, you may not have to water as often as those living in the Southwest or desert regions. In particularly humid or rainy months, you may not even need to water at all. Whenever possible, preserve water from rainfall to use for watering your plants and lawn during drier weeks.
As far as the time of day for watering, it is best to water in the early morning, between 4AM and 9AM, before the sun has had a chance to fully rise. Watering in the afternoon can lead to a lot of water waste, as the water could evaporate before getting into the root system. Watering in the evening encourages fungal growth and can lead to an unhealthy lawn.
Using an automatic sprinkler system can be extremely helpful in watering and conserving your water. Here are a few tips and tricks for automatic sprinklers:
- Aim the sprinklers at the lawn instead of the street, driveways, or sidewalks to discourage run-off
- Install a Rain detector so your sprinklers don’t go off in the rain
- If you’ve only experienced light rain, you may want to run the sprinklers briefly to give your lawn a boost
- If you’ve been in a drought and are expecting rain, run your sprinklers briefly to moisten the soil.
Biofeed’s Turf-Plus is a nitrogen-rich liquid grass food to help you have a beautiful, stunning lawn. Turf-Plus can be used with automatic liquid fertilizer applicators without need of mixing or measuring and without fear of clogging.
- Use in both traditional watering with hose attachments or with automatic sprinklers!
- Treats nutrient deficiencies, yellowing and mold damage
- Improve soil health, allowing your grass to become stronger, with deeper roots
- Builds more resistant to disease and drought
- Helps water to the roots in your soil, to save water and cut watering costs
- Turf-Plus is a balanced combination of chelated nutrients and organic elements
- Develop stronger and deeper roots
Turf Plus helps you, or your landscaper, achieve an award-winning lawn while conditioning the soil underneath. Biofeed fertilizers are made with ACT which are pure plant food ingredients. Safe and non-toxic. Our products contain no synthetics or chemically derived additives.