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Fertilizing Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn with Biofeed product. No matter what season it is, if you are maintaining a beautiful green lawn year round, there is one important aspect of lawn maintenance that you should not overlook; fertilization. Your lawn needs several things to grow and live a healthy life: proper mowing, sufficient water, and a healthy supply of nutrients to feed the roots. With a good lawn maintenance program, and the help of Turf-Plus®, you can have a lush, quality lawn that is the envy of your neighborhood.

To maintain a healthy lawn, there are three important steps to consider: mowing, watering, and fertilizing. All three of these maintenance steps work together to help you build a gorgeous lawn.

Mowing Your Lawn

lawnmowerIt is important not to let your lawn grow too tall. Longer blades of grass can be harder to maintain or cut, while shorter grasses become stressed, growing yellow because the blades help the grass photosynthesize.

Think about haircuts. If you want short hair, you have to cut it constantly to maintain the short length. The military buzz-cut look requires frequent visits to a barber. Long hair, however, only needs the occasional trim. The same is true with the length of your grass blades in your home lawn. Unless you want to mow your grass every other day, you should probably aim to keep your grass to a healthy length.
When cutting your grass, remove no more than 1/3 the length of your grass. This is good not just for your grass, but for your lawnmower (which will require less maintenance if you are not trimming extra-long heavy clippings with each mowing).

Watering Your Lawn

Sprinkler_Irrigation_-_Sprinkler_headIn an earlier article, we talked about the best practices for watering your lawn, but it never hurts to have a refresher of information on watering.

The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning, between 4-9 AM. This is so the water does not evaporate before getting to your roots. Evening watering encourages unhealthy fungal growth.

Be careful not to over-water your lawn, because an excess of water is just as unhealthy as a drought. Too much water (or insufficient drainage) can cause your lawn to wilt, to catch disease, or encourage unhealthy fungal growth.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

Because your lawn takes in nutrients while it drinks water, liquid fertilizers, like Biofeed Turf-Plus®, are the most efficient method of fertilizing your lawn. Existing plant life in your soil can leech away the nutrients, causing there to be less available resources in the soil in subsequent years. Adding fertilizers, like Biofeed’s Turf-Plus®, to your soil, ensures your soil is replenished of the nutrients that your new grass needs to flourish.

Turf-Plus® can be used by itself, or blended with Soil-Plus® to stimulate turf growth and healthy soil.

Turf-Plus® is a nitrogen-rich liquid fertilizer especially designed for grass. Combined with our Acti Cell Technology® (ACT) Turf-Plus® supplies vital nitrogen and potassium to your grass. It helps reduce the effects of stress on your grass, promotes deep green leaf color, and does not stain!
Applying Biofeed Turf-Plus® is easy. You can integrate it into your existing irrigation system, use our Biofeeder® tanks, use a hose-end sprayer attachment, or even a backpack sprayer.

For more hints on how to apply Biofeed, check out our informational article How to Apply Biofeed Product.

Biofeed Landscape Products


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  • Kevin says:

    I just tilled and put down new seed. When can I apply bio feed soil plus?

    • Dan Lee, President of Biofeed says:

      Hi Kevin! You can apply Biofeed Soil-Plus immediately after spreading new seed. Just dilute 4 ounces in 5-10 gallons of water per 1000 square feet, or use a hose end sprayer. Have a great day!

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